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  • I've done leadership programs before. What makes this different?
    That’s a great question that we would be asking too! While there might be overlap with content you’ve been exposed to before, the C Factor Community is so much more than its course material — it is about collaboration, connection, coaching, confidence, and communication. By bringing together established managers like you who have a range of backgrounds, experiences, and skillsets, the value is in the community created—in ideas shared, the advice and feedback sought, and the support given.
  • I’m not a manager. Can I still register?
    Do you have direct reports? If so, then, heck, yes, this program is for you regardless of your title. If you’re not yet managing people (or at the executive level) this program probably isn’t the best fit for you. There are many wonderful leadership programs for those aspiring to take on a leadership or management position. Contact us and we can help direct you to the right program.
  • Are there any prerequisites?
    No prerequisites, though we do ask for one thing: a commitment to show up.
  • What kind of results will I see? What's the ROI?
    First we would ask YOU how you define ‘return’? While it often difficult to prove a direct financial return (ask any learning and development expert and they’ll all agree!), the indirect and non-financial returns are often significant. What we can (almost) guarantee is that, if you show up consistently and commit to this process, you will be a drastically different leader this time next year, which will pay off in a ton of ways (both at work and outside of it).
  • What’s the time commitment?
    We’ve coached managers and leaders for over 16 years so we understand how busy you are and that your time is valuable – and have designed this program accordingly. It is all online and incredibly flexible. You should expect to spend between 5 - 10 hours a month with us – but when and where you do it is completely up to you.
  • What kind of industries is this geared towards?
    We know there are a number of programs geared towards particular industries, but this isn’t one of them. The value in the C Factor Community comes from the diversity of our members, so we encourage a strong mix of industries, backgrounds, professions, geographies, and culture.
  • How is the program structured?
    While guided coursework and assessments will be recorded and available in our resource library to access anytime, there will be two live sessions/week during the 7-week session to discuss the week's topics, answer questions, and receive group coaching. We strongly encourage live participation in these events where possible, as these are very interactive. Rest assured, you will be provided with a calendar of events to ensure you don’t miss out (and that there will be a recording so you don’t miss a thing if/when you can’t attend live).
  • I work for a big company-is this program for me?
    Yes! Even if you have access to a wide variety of learning material and opportunities within your organization, the benefit of external connections and perspectives you’ll benefit from as part of C Factor is invaluable.
  • I work for a small company/start-up -- is this program for me?
    Yes! In fact small and medium-sized companies are our jam. We understand that customized training and development is likely cost-prohibitive and that internal resources are likely lacking. The C Factor Community fills all of those gaps by offering the resources, the world-class training, and the ability to build your network and grow your business.
  • What happens in the one-on-one training session at the end of the 7-week C Factor Program?
    At the end of the 7-week C Factor Program, participants will have a one-on-one training session to develop their own personalized leadership development plan. Imagine having a leadership plan in place that helps you find and fuel your purpose, stand in authentic power, and expand your potential.
  • When can I join?
    The C Factor Community is currently open for registration for its September 2021 start date. We limit our enrollment to ensure we have a strong base of members who represent the diversity, professionalism, and thirst for knowledge required to succeed.
  • Do I have to pay or can my organization pay?
    Though some participants do pay out-of-pocket your organization can absolutely pay – and there’s a strong case to be made for them to do so. Managers often have a dedicated budget for training and development and have the fiscal authority to approve course fees. If that’s not the case for you but you’d like to join us, contact us and we can help you make the business case to your immediate manager or HR.
  • What does the name "C Factor" mean?"
    It will all make sense once you’re inside the program – but, to give you a hint, your confidence as a leader depends on your competence in a number of particular skillsets, and we’ll give you only one hint what letter they all start with.
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